Corporate Social Responsibility, RSE, CSR

Agrément CIR

Corporate Social Responsibility

Since its creation, respect, team spirit, commitment, initiative, and excellence are values that Top Clean Packaging maintains with its partners, customers, and employees.

Social, environmental, and sustainable commitment

Concerned about its impact on society, the group is committed to respecting people and protecting their environment.

In the perspective of continuous improvement, Top Clean Packaging takes care to integrate in its strategy the environmental and societal impacts in every decision. 

These commitments concretized today through many actions that are articulated around an environmental policy, equality of opportunity, access to employment and responsible work policy.  

Ecovadis Bronze Medal obtention for Cartolux-Thiers and Top Clean Injection

Cartolux-Thiers and Top Clean Injection have been awarded the Ecovadis Bronze Medal for their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
This certification enables companies to measure their environmental, social and ethical impact according to CSR principles.

This recognition reflects the Group's efforts to adopt sustainable and responsible practices while meeting the challenges of our customers.

Click below to view the Scorecards:

Safety, an established culture

To regularly raise the awareness of our employees about safety at work, we constantly train our staff in safety standards and do everything possible to ensure their protection.

We have implemented 100% safety communication throughout the year and share this vision together with our teams to provide the safest and most optimal working conditions for our employees.

We aim for 0 accidents at work and to achieve this, we are committed to ensuring that everyone can carry out their daily tasks in complete safety.

Recycling of plastic waste

Our contribution to the respect of the environment is made by recycling our production waste.

We have obtained the LABEL MORE, engaged for recycling. A label awarded to companies that source recycled plastics in their production.

Raising employee awareness

We have provided displays and guidelines at our various production sites for better waste sorting and recycling: cans, plastic bottles, plastic caps, paper, cardboard, common industrial waste, special industrial and household waste.  

Balance in professional integration

We have established partnerships with many schools to enable young workers or people undergoing professional retraining to discover industrial jobs in the medical sector.

Every year, we welcome trainees and work-study students trained in the Group's various professions so they can join us after their studies.

Training for skills development

We provide numerous training courses through the creation of an internal Training School allowing our employees to evolve on new competencies and functions.

Upon the arrival of new employees, a complete integration program is planned to give them a better knowledge of the group, its team, its history, and its activities.

Equal opportunities & jobs for people with disabilities

In human resources management, we have made equity and equality its priorities to ensure that the diversity of profiles is respected.

We seek a balance between men and women in terms of recruitment, training, and career advancement. In this way, we respect parity between men and women throughout our working environment.

In addition, we contribute to the integration of people with disabilities through a partnership with a Disability People Health Center which has been operating on our premises for more than 25 years.

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