Research, Development and Innovation

Agrément CIR

R&D / Innovation

To support you in the development of your projects, our R&D and Innovation department has a wide range of equipments at your disposal.

Through our 3D printing machines, we can provide you in a few days with prototypes printed with different materials in order to have a better vision of your product and implement modifications or adjustments if needed. 

Our technicians and engineers are at your disposal to accompany you in the following fields:

  • Mechanical limits, choice, and resistance of materials
  • Practical restrictions:

      o Functional quality of technical parts

      o Clipping into blisters

      o Peel tests of Tyvek lids

      o Pre-emption of parts on handling trays or blisters

  • Biocompatibility of materials
  • Sustainable development: definition of size, thicknesses, recycling, etc.

An approved partner for French Crédit d'Impôt Recherche (CIR)

As an under contract Research & Development partner, our Research & Innovation division (TCP R&I) has just been approved for the Crédit Impôt Recherche (CIR) tax credit. We can now garantee to our customers that our research and development services are eligible for a tax reduction (up to 30%) on costs incurred as part of your R&D projects.

What an approved CIR partner guarantees for you:

  • Secure your investments: Better traceability and compliance of R&D costs, therefore limiting tax risks.
  • Expert support: A recognized and qualified team to develop differentiating innovations and strengthen our customers' competitiveness.
  • Recognized industrial expertise: With over a century's experience in new product development and industrial production, our know-how enables us to act further upstream in product development, while guaranteeing an efficient and controlled industrialization. 

Want to find out more? We invite you to contact us to find out how you can benefit from this opportunity and discuss your future development plans together!

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