Research, Development and Innovation

R&D / Innovation

To support you in the development of your projects, our R&D and Innovation department has a wide range of equipments at your disposal.

Through our 3D printing machines, we can provide you in a few days with prototypes printed with different materials in order to have a better vision of your product and implement modifications or adjustments if needed. 

Our technicians and engineers are at your disposal to accompany you in the following fields:

  • Mechanical limits, choice, and resistance of materials
  • Practical restrictions:

      o Functional quality of technical parts

      o Clipping into blisters

      o Peel tests of Tyvek lids

      o Pre-emption of parts on handling trays or blisters

  • Biocompatibility of materials
  • Sustainable development: definition of size, thicknesses, recycling, etc.

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