Healthcare market

Agrément CIR


Active in the medical and pharmaceutical sector for more than 30 years, Top Clean Packaging asserts its expertise in the development and manufacturing of medical & pharmaceutical devices and their sterile packaging.

Medical devices and packaging

Offering a complete range of technologies (thermoforming, plastic injection, LSR injection, sealing, packaging, and assembly), we can carry out a complete project by guaranteeing the best quality of the products.

Thanks to the control of our processes, attested by our various certifications (ISO 9001 & 13485), we provide our customers a product qualification thought the IQ - OQ – PQ approach.

All our production facilities are in our clean rooms (ISO7 & ISO8), which guarantees the ultra-cleanliness of your products.

We cover the entire healthcare field, operating in Cardiology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Oncology, Dentistry, Urology, Pharma ...

Orthopedic kit
Orthopedic kit
Medical kit
Medical kit
Pharma Kit
Pharma Kit

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