Luxury packaging

Agrément CIR


Top Clean Packaging provides services to the luxury industry by serving areas such as beauty care, cosmetics, and clockwork.

Our teams offer their expertise to advise you on the best technical choices to suit your needs.
We can guide you in your reflection from your initial projects, offer you a technical study or prototyping and accompany you up to mass production

High technological products

 This expertise covers the following products:

  • Thermoformed trays to handle transport, wedging or production needs on automated lines. We thermoform any type of plastic, on thin and thick thicknesses, for dimensions up to 1500 x 1000mm. By producing custom-made trays, we have the right solution for your project.
  • Injected components manufactured in or out of a clean room by transforming all thermoplastics from the most common to the most technical on a robot-assisted machine park in conventional injection, bi-injection, or over-molding.
  • Injection-molded parts using liquid silicone (LSR) in or outside the cleanroom as an alternative to thermoplastic injection molding, characterized by its heat resistance capabilities and different degrees of flexibility.
Protective Tray
Protective Tray
Silicone mold
Silicone mold
Thermoplastic injection
Thermoplastic injection

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