work, thermoforming career

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Video : Discover Vladimir's career path!

Interview with Vladimir, Thermoforming Technician for the subsidiary Cartolux-Thiers

Written by Top Clean Packaging - Published on

#MonChoixPro by Pôle Emploi

To promote this sector and attract new talent, the Pôle Emploi d'Auvergne Rhône Alpes has launched a #MonChoixPro communication campaign, highlighting various portraits of people who have undergone training to access employment or retrain in other professions.

In one of the portraits of Pôle Emploi, we find Vladimir, Thermoforming Methods Technician at our subsidiary Cartolux-Thiers to talk about his history, his career and his various training courses. We let you discover his career in this video:

Plastics processing, an omnipresent industry

The plastics sector represents more than 800 companies and 26,000 employees in Auvergne-Rhône Alpes. In 2020, companies planed to recruit more than 3000 people in various fields (production, quality, design department, sales, maintenance, methods ...).

Plastics processing is a sector that is integrated into several markets such as the medical, luxury goods and aeronautics industries. It deploys a series of different technologies for the transformation of plastic materials such as thermoplastic injection, thermoforming, injection molding, extrusion. However, this sector remains little known but offers a wide variety of professions.

Source : Pôle Emploi

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