training in plastics processing, industry, cqp

Qualifying programs at Top Clean Packaging

Manufacturing Equipment Fitter Training

Geschrieben von Top Clean Packaging - Geschrieben
In the process of discovering the different professions of the plastics industry and to balance the lack of manpower in the sector, Top Clean Packaging offers the opportunity to its employees to train on new professions to increase their skills.

Graduation ceremony of the CQP Manufacturing

On Friday, March 5, 2021, we held the graduation ceremony for 3 employees, Morgan, Vladimir and Bruno, who trained for 245 hours as  Line Operator/Setter.

For this training, our employees followed a personalized course with a theoretical and a practical part, followed and accompanied by a tutor in the company.

Morgan & Jean Berry
Morgan & Jean Berry
Morgan & Delphine Blondard
Morgan & Delphine Blondard
Vladimir & Jean Berry
Vladimir & Jean Berry

During the training period, our employees learned to master the different plastic materials, the different thermoforming cycles, the adjustment methods or the optimization of the forming cycle. As for the field part, they learned to guarantee the realization of manual or automated operations, to ensure the traceability of the products.

In order to obtain the diploma of assembler, our employees had to validate 8 key skills of the profession with a profesionnal of POLYVIA. And it is in January 2021, that the joint jury met to validate the skills and thus their diploma!

Congratulations to Morgan, Vladimir & Bruno, for this great achievement! This diploma is an accomplishment for the work they have done during their training!
From left to right:  Jean Berry, CEO of the group, François Berry, General Manager, Morgan, Vladimir, Béatrice Audrerie, HR Development Manager and Raphael Pierre, Production Manager
From left to right: Jean Berry, CEO of the group, François Berry, General Manager, Morgan, Vladimir, Béatrice Audrerie, HR Development Manager and Raphael Pierre, Production Manager

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