Apprenticeship Campaign

Agrément CIR

Find out more about Top Clean Packaging's 2023 work-linked training scheme: a unique opportunity for students to combine training and work experience

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Work-linked training offers many advantages for those wishing to become independent and immerse themselves in working life.

Working at Top Clean Packaging is an opportunity to join a fast-growing company. Our dynamism and ambition make every day an exciting challenge. As a work-study student, you'll be immersed in a stimulating and collaborative working environment, where the exchange of ideas and creativity are encouraged.

By opting for a work-linked training scheme, you'll be able to develop your skills quickly by immersing yourself in the world of work. You will be supported by a manager who will help you to develop your independence.

It's also important to note that Top Clean Packaging operates in the medical field. With us, a work-linked training scheme gives you the opportunity to put your knowledge into practice in order to promote health initiatives. By joining our company, you can contribute to a sector of activity that has a positive impact on society.

Finally, one of the great advantages of a work-linked training course at Top Clean Packaging is the opportunity to put your theoretical skills into practice by working alongside qualified professionals. What's more, you'll be paid for your efforts, enabling you to finance your studies and day-to-day expenses. You'll also enjoy employee benefits such as luncheon vouchers, public transport assistance and several weeks' paid holiday.

Don't miss out on this opportunity! Take a look at our online work-study opportunities and send us your application.

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