
Agrément CIR

Top Tech Italia evolves and becomes Top Tech Silicone

Geschrieben von Top Clean Packaging - Geschrieben
Top Tech Italia evolves and becomes Top Tech Silicone

The year 2023 starts under the sign of renewal for Top Tech Italia, subsidiary of the Top Clean Packaging group since 2010.

Founded in 1950, the company became a pioneer in the injection of liquid silicone parts in Italy for a wide variety of industries and today offers products manufactured outside and in clean rooms.

Today it is one of the European specialists in the design, development and manufacture of technical parts in liquid silicone. It has developed several technical expertises (silicone solutions by compression, HCR injection, overmolding, 3D printing), to which is added a panel of associated services with high added value (design office, advice on technical choices, support in product development projects up to industrialization and mass production).

Based on these assets, but also on the human and material investments made in the last few years, we have decided to give this company a name that reflects our positioning and our ambitions:

Thus, Top Tech Italia becomes Top Tech Silicone !

A name which connotes at the same time the expertise of the company centered around silicone, a state of mind always turned towards technological innovation, coupled with its membership of the Top Clean Packaging group.

Your privileged interlocutors remain unchanged and are at your disposal to accompany you in various industrial applications and in particular :

We will be delighted to present all our know-how and to answer your needs at the Silicone Expo Europe, in Amsterdam, from 21 to 23 March 2023, stand 237.

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